

The EDUCATE environment provides links to a number of commercial and non-commercial resources relating to flow cytometry and antibody-based techniques. You can link directly to the suppliers' websites.

Suggestions for additional content are always welcome. Please email these to contact@chromocyte.com

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BioLegend Multicolor Panel Selector

Welcome to BioLegend's Multicolor Panel Selector! This tool is designed to help you find the right products for your multicolor flow cytometry experiments. View the detailed instructions for using the Panel Selector and guidelines for constructing an optimized panel below. View Tutorial Here...

Miltenyi Biotec MACSPlex™ Assays

MACSPlex™ assays

Multiplex assays for flow cytometry

BioLegend Multicolor Staining Guide

BioLegend LEGENDScreen™

BioLegend's LEGENDScreen™ products are lyophilized, fluorophore-conjugated antibodies provided in 96-well plates for the purpose of screening cell surface molecules on your cells of interest.

BioLegend Custom Panel Construction

Need help constructing a multicolor flow cytometry panel?

Not everyone can be an expert in flow cytometry. Organizing and creating a multicolor panel can be quite complicated given all the different fluorophores, antibodies, and instruments available. Let our expert team make it simple for you…

Just let us know what you need and let us do the constructing for you, as a complimentary service!

BIO-RAD Tips for Designing Multicolor Panels

We know how challenging designing multi-color Flow Cytometry panels can be at times. That is why we have developed a set of tips to help you. Topics covered include: 

BIO-RAD Panel Builder

Build multicolor flow cytometry panels in just a few simple steps

BIO-RAD Get More Out of Your Multicolor Panels

Designing multicolor panels for flow cytometry experiments can be a time-consuming process. The more markers you wish to include in your panel, the more difficult it is to find compatible fluorophores.

BIO-RAD Flow Cytometry Antibody Panels & Cocktails

Our antibody panels and cocktails allow for cost-effective, fast, and simple analysis of multiple related cell surface markers in a variety of target species, including human, mouse, dog, and rat. Each antibody in the panel is fluorophore conjugated, with complementary fluorophores for each marker. 

BIO-RAD Webinar: Multicolor Panel Building

Multicolor flow cytometry is the analysis of multiple fluorescent parameters in one sample. Building large flow cytometry panels can be daunting because each additional fluorophore you add to your panel has the potential to influence another fluorophore. 

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