

The EDUCATE environment provides links to a number of commercial and non-commercial resources relating to flow cytometry and antibody-based techniques. You can link directly to the suppliers' websites.

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Invitrogen™ Calibration and Size Reference Beads

  • Confidence—ensure the reliability of optimal daily instrument performance
  • Reliability—minimal variation for consistent data acquisition
  • Compatibility—full range of tools for any instrument

Spherotech SPHERO™ AccuCount Particles

SPHERO™ AccuCount Particles

Spherotech SPHERO™ Fluorescent Alignment Particles

SPHERO™ Fluorescent Alignment Particles

Spherotech SPHERO™ Rainbow Particles (Euroflow)

SPHERO™ Rainbow Calibration Particles (EuroFlow)

Invitrogen™ Compensation Beads

What are compensation beads?

Compensation beads capture species-specific antibodies conjugated to fluorophores and other types of reagents. The purpose of these beads is to set voltages and gating parameters for obtaining accurate fluorescence signal.

ThermoFisher Scientific UltraComp eBeads™ Plus

UltraComp eBeads™ Plus Compensation Beads are the second generation of UltraComp beads for use in flow cytometry. Fluorochrome-conjugated antibody binds the spherical particles for use as a single-color compensation controls.

Spherotech SPHERO™ Supra Rainbow Particles

SPHERO™ Supra Rainbow Particles Supra Rainbow Midrange Fluorescent Particles

Spherotech SPHERO™ Rainbow Particles

SPHERO™ Rainbow Fluorescent Particles

Spherotech SPHERO™ Spectral Calibration Particles

SPHERO™ Spectral Matching Calibration Particle Kits

Spherotech SPHERO™ Ultra Rainbow Particles (BC)

SPHERO™ Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles for Beckman Coulter Cytometers

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