Watch our educational webinars to discover how recombinant antibodies can be generated with high specificity and high affinity to address challenges in antibody assay development and improve your bioanalytical and anti-drug antibody assays.
How to overcome assay challenges using custom recombinant antibodies
The suitability of HuCAL® recombinant custom monoclonal antibodies for pharmacokinetic (PK) assays and immune response (IR) assays.
Effective tools for drug monitoring assays
How to improve your antibody drug development assays with anti-idiotypic antibodies.
Human recombinant antibodies as positive controls and calibrators
Human Recombinant Antibodies as Positive Controls and Calibrators.
Generation of high-affinity recombinant antibodies for Immuno-MRM
Using HuCAL technology to select antibodies against proteotypic peptides.
Optimize your assays using recombinant antibodies selected for desired affinity
Learn how off-rate measurement can be introduced as part of the high-throughput recombinant antibody generation process.
The making of recombinant anti-idiotypic antibodies for high performance in bioanalytical assays
Learn how Bio-Rad develops highly specific, high affinity recombinant monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies, ideal for use in PK and ADA assays.
Veterinary webinars
Watch our webinars focusing on veterinary immunology. Listen to leading scientists present their work on their cutting edge research in the areas of vaccine development, animal health, and on new discoveries in veterinary immunology.
Measuring adaptive and innate immune responses in ruminants
Measuring adaptive and innate immune responses in ruminants.
Porcine CD4+ T lymphocytes and their antigen-specific immune response
Find out how researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna are elucidating the intricacies of the porcine CD4+ T cell immune response.
CSF1, CSF1R and control of macrophage differentiation
Focus on the function of macrophages and their role in infection, inflammatory disease and cancer.
Cancer webinar
"A question of Life or Death” - differentiating between healthy and apoptotic cells
Learn about the different modes and stages of apoptosis and find out about the different antibody applications/assays to use in order to differentiate between healthy and apoptotic cells.
Applications webinars
Mastering Immunohistochemistry staining experiments
For a basic overview of the different IHC protocol steps, the most common pitfalls and hands-on tips on how to troubleshoot this technique.
Optimize your flow cytometry
Best practice for sample preparation, staining and analysis.
Immunoprecipitation (IP) application
"Complex or not?" - learn how to use immunoprecipitation to analyze protein-protein interactions and protein complexes.
Take control of your flow cytometry
We will take you through the essential controls you should be performing to obtain reproducible results you can trust.
Fluorescence and compensation in flow cytometry
Why fluorophores need compensating and how to avoid unnecessary compensation
Multicolor panel building in flow cytometry
Multicolor flow cytometry is the analysis of multiple fluorescent parameters in one sample.
Dead or alive on the ZE5™ - using flow cytometry to measure apoptosis
Focus on how and when flow cytometry is the most appropriate method to detect apoptosis.
To boldly flow
Gain confidence to start flow cytometry.
In this webinar, participants will learn the important steps to obtaining better flow cytometry data and get advice on how to apply this knowledge to improve your experiments.
Illuminating the pathway to confident western blot detection of phosphorylated proteins
In this webinar, you will learn the important steps to obtain clean western blots of phospho-proteins.